20 August 2015

Eric's First Email from the MTC in Brazil

Eric's group in the MTC
He is the last one on the right :)

Description: https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif
So first off my flights got delayed so before I got on the first flight, I was shipped off to the Detroit airport. I had to wait until 9 pm for my plane to leave on a direct 10 hour flight from Detroit to Sao Paulo.

I met a nice man at the McDonald's while I waited and we talked for a while. And while on the flight, I got a whole two seats to myself!

But before I got the seats, I had a person sitting next to me. A lady from Brazil who had just finished her PhD in plant biology in Kentucky (probably spelled that wrong) She helped me with my papers for immigration. And we traded cards. :3 She gave me her business card and I gave her a pass along card.

So my companion here is Elder Webster, he seems like he´ll be a fun guy to work with. We got to unpacking in our room and there´s just so much stuff to unpack that I probably won´t unpack even half of it. I officially have my missionary name tag too! We got to come to the computer lab just now. Okay it was: arrive, get companion, eat, go to room and unpack/rest, and now at 12:00 pm-ish it´s write the family time. Next will be lunch, then orientation, then probably class. P-day will be next week on Wednesday or Friday. NOT Monday.

Shoot, I don´t know what else to say... um... I slept for like a total of maybe two hours in segments of about 15 minutes at a time. My shirts are super wrinkly and I forgot to ask you to teach me to iron so I´ll probably just wear my suit coat until I can wash my shirts to unwrikle them. Apparently we´ll be going to the temple on our next p-day. The handkerchiefs are useful already. Oh! When Flint shipped me off to Detroit, I was given two complimentary $15 meal tickets so I had a big lunch and a bunch of frozen drinks to stay cool at the airport while I waited. I read the white missionary handbook two times while sitting there. I can´t really think of anything else... I love you mom. I love you and my family and friends.  

Okays... bye-bye.

18 August 2015

14 August 2015

I am flying to Brazil

I am flying to Brazil and arriving on Wednesday August 19, 2015.  I will be learning Portuguese at the Brazil MTC for about 6 weeks.