13 October 2015

Elder Matos has been really helpful

That's great about your talk! I wish I could have been there for it. And I'll definitely be praying for Uncle Jerry.
Okay to answer your questions... I didn't get to take a picture with my mission President, but I did have an interview with him where he asked about my thoughts on being a missionary and about my family (just cause he was curious)

Okay so we have a little house, not really an apartment (technically it's an apartment I guess but it's more like a little house) it's got a kitchen, one room with all our beds, two bathrooms, a living room/ study room, a room with all our clothes, and a laundry room. And fyi... I'm the only one who actually kinda sorta makes my bed :P

Elder Matos has been really helpful with teaching me Portuguese. He's been working on learning English so he talks to me in English most of the time and I respond in Portuguese and we help each other translate what we can't communicate.

Food... I don't really eat breakfast. We have lunch at a member's house everyday but p-day usually and lunch is the biggest meal of the day. Then I either have dinner with an investigator or every once in a while back at our house or just not at all. And I haven't really shopped for food much yet.

I haven't personally taught much yet, but I have shared some spiritual messages with the members who fed us lunch. 

So here's a story. Yesterday was a holiday in Brazil so none of the LAN houses (internet cafes) were open. We took a bus to Pindamonhangaba and joined the two missionaries from that area at a members house for churrasco. Before eating we played futebol. It was a game with 9 Brazilians and 1 American. And I surprised them all by being the first to score a goal! after that game we ate. Then we had a water balloon fight in the street. Luckily I wore my quick drying athletic clothes. Then we played futebol one more time and I scored again! About 10 goals were scored between the two games, and two of them were by me! So I learned that I can hold my own in a futebol game with Brazilians! (As long as they're not playing too seriously that is ha-ha)

OKays... I love you a lot!! byebye

This was the group of missionaries from yesterday.
Standing from left to right is
Elder Alves, Me, Elder Matos (my second Brazilian companion) Elder Bicca (a roommate).
In front, left to right, is
Elder D. Silva (roommate and companion of Elder Bicca)
Then Elder C. Santos (my trainer) and Elder Detoni (companion of Elder Alves) 

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